Empowering investment success: A case study in strategic marketing for stock market education


Goela, a Delhi-based online institute, founded by Aditya Goela (youngest CFA), Harsh Goela (MBA), and their father (CA), specializes in long-term stock market investment education. It offers free and paid webinars and an ISMA mentorship program.


  • Increase Registrations for Webinars: Boost registrations for Free Stock Selection Masterclass (SSM) and Paid No Number Game (NNG) webinars.

  • Enhance Upsells for Lifetime Webinar Recordings: Encourage upsells for lifetime access to webinar recordings alongside registrations.

  • Improve Conversion for ISMA Program: Drive higher conversion rates for the Integrated Stock Market Analysis (ISMA) program by targeting relevant audiences through targeted advertisements.


  • Audience Targeting Complexity: Identifying individuals with spending capacity, commitment to webinar attendance, and excluding college attendees through targeted ads.

  • Content Research Complexity: Conducting extensive research to develop compelling ad content that resonates with the target audience.

  • Dynamic Campaign Planning: Adapting campaign strategies to reflect evolving stock market trends and navigate through periods of recession effectively.

  • Scaling with ROI Preservation: Scaling up campaigns while maintaining a favorable return on investment (ROI) amidst varying market conditions.

  • In-depth Reporting Demand: Providing comprehensive reporting on campaign performance, requiring meticulous analysis and interpretation for optimization.

How Skovian helped?

  • Efficient Audience Targeting: Reduced cost per free webinar registration to ₹18-₹20 from ₹80-₹100 initially by implementing diverse audience targeting strategies.

  • Leveraging Instagram Content: Improved ad engagement by incorporating content from the Instagram profile into advertisements.

  • Strategic Campaign Scaling: Successfully scaled campaigns from ₹3 lakh to ₹19 lakh monthly expenditure on Facebook and Google Ads.

  • Enhanced Registration Rates: Increased daily registrations for Free and Paid webinars substantially, from approximately 370 to 1300, and 3 to 17, respectively.

  • Tailored Content Strategy: Crafted ad and social media content addressing pertinent queries such as “How does compounding work in stock market investing?” to resonate with the ideal audience.

  • Adaptation to Market Trends: Provided solutions aligned with current stock market trends, ensuring relevance and effectiveness in campaigns.

  • Maintaining ROI Amidst Market Variability: Sustained ROI between 2x to 4x across seasons and market trends, including recession and stock corrections, by implementing strategic adjustments.

Impact numbers

  • Achieved a remarkable 400% growth in ROI within a span of 2-3 months since the inception of the marketing campaign.
  • Implemented an 82% reduction in Cost per free webinar registration within just one month, significantly optimizing expenditure.
  • Recorded an impressive 351% growth in daily registrations for Free webinars and a remarkable 566% surge in registrations for Paid webinars, enhancing audience engagement and participation significantly.

Final line

In partnership with Skovian, our client experienced a transformative journey towards digital success, marked by unparalleled growth, optimized strategies, and enhanced market relevance in the dynamic landscape of stock market education.