So you have been blogging since quite some time, you write well and yet you haven’t managed to get consistent traffic to your site.
What is it that you should do?
Spend money on buying audiences or change your blog topic altogether? NO.
Many times, simple tweaks to the way you blog can create wonders to the incoming traffic.
Here is how
Focus on keywords
When it comes to driving large traffic to your blog, knowing how to play with keywords is of utmost importance. It does not matter whether you write in English or Hebrew or Swahili or for that matter write nothing at all and just upload pictures. It is all the same, illegible stuff to the eyes of Google.
What search engine understand?
What a search engine understands are keywords. When you include correct keywords in your writing, chances are that the search engine will rank your content higher, drive you more traffic and this cycle continues. Keywords are subject or industry-specific, and you can get the latest or top rated keywords using services like Google keyword planner.
Optimize for on-page SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of attracting traffic to your site by increasing the site’s visibility in the search engine. This happens the best with proper optimization of keywords.
What does that mean?
This means that the title of your blog should ideally also have the desired keyword, as well as it can be included as a tag to the post. Interlinking is extremely important, as it is a good way of getting the search engine to rank your post for your targeted keyword. By linking the post with other posts, you simply tell the search engine what your post is about in your own blog.
Manage the keyword density
Now that we know that keywords are of importance, you might be tempted to use them a lot in the posts then please don’t.
While using the keyword meaningfully and that too in limited quantity is essential, using it mindlessly can result in keyword spamming which may actually push your posts down in the search.
Attractive Title
They say that the first impression is often the last one and nothing could be truer about the blog titles. If you write a suitable and yet attractive title, there is obviously a high chance that the audience will click it. Also as mentioned earlier, try to make your title keyword rich. The visibility will simply go upwards.
Social Media
Social media is a better platform for engagement, sharing your blogs on facebook, twitter, pinterest etc. can give you higher reach and lots of shares, eventually increasing the traffic.
Good content
Content is the king, always. If your content is not up to the mark, high level of SEO and super attractive titles can not help you.
What can help then?
Ensure that you write useful, engaging content. Avoid redundant words and sentences, check for grammar and spellings. Have good sub-points to explain your topic well.
Insert good images
No one can undermine the importance of pictures, as the images often pull the audiences to your site. They provide visual interest, break the monotony of all text and often tell a story that even a thousand words cannot tell. ensure that you include relevant images that are high in quality. Low quality, low pixel images will drive the traffic farther.
Insert a Call-to-Action (CTA) at the end
Most audiences, who find your posts worth their time surely engage with your posts. You can engage them further by introducing a button at the end of the post, where they are called to do something. ‘Buy Now!’ ‘Subscribe’ ‘View More’ are some typical examples of CTA, which will convert your audience into a potential lead.
While these tips are simple enough, they can create a big difference to the traffic of your blog. Start doing those and have a great online traffic of visitors in 2018!